Gallup: Trump’s net approval rating drops 19 points in a month

Could This Be the Beginning of a Trend? #7 Gallup: Trump’s net approval rating drops 19 points in a month Marisa Fernandez June 10, 2020 President Trump's approval rating has dropped from 49% to 39%, while his disapproval rating has shot up from 48% to 57%, according to the latest Gallup tracking poll out Wednesday. Why it matters: It's the lowest net approval rating the president has recorded since October. The poll is Gallup's first since nationwide protests erupted in the wake of the killing of George Floyd. By the numbers: Trump's had not recorded an overall approval rating of below 40% since October, after the House launched an impeachment inquiry. Trump and his campaign have lashed out over the CNN poll, which was conducted by SSRS and released earlier this week. The survey showed Trump trailing the former vice president by a 55 percent to 41 percent margin among registered voters. A Gallup poll released Wednesday has Trump at 39 percent, marking a 10-point drop from May.


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