Team Trump sends cease-and-desist letter over poll it didn't like

Could This Be the Beginning of a Trend? #9 Team Trump sends cease-and-desist letter over poll it didn't like No one's ever even heard of a major-party presidential campaign - led by an incumbent, no less - throwing this kind of tantrum. June 11, 2020, 6:21 AM PDT By Steve Benen With Election Day about 20 weeks away, pollsters are generating quite a bit of data on the state of the race. All of the surveys of late point in the same direction: Joe Biden is leading Donald Trump nationally, by margins that are unusually large for a challenger running against an incumbent president. The latest CNN poll was especially brutal for the Republican in the Oval Office: it found the former vice president leading Trump nationally by a 14-point margin, 55% to 41%. A month earlier, the same poll found the Delaware Democrat ahead by only five points. It was, by some measures, a bit of an outlier: every major pollster has Biden ahead at this stage in the contest, but only CNN's results show the former vice president ahead by 14 points. Trump had a rather hysterical reaction to the data earlier this week, going so far as to hire a Republican pollster to prepare a document claiming the latest polls are "skewed." The president added that he believes multiple pollsters are engaged in an elaborate conspiracy to undermine his re-election prospects.


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