Sec. of State Wyman’s Least Partisan Official

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #44 Sec. of State Wyman’s Least Partisan Official 7.22.20 Much is being made by the WA State Democratic Party of Sec. of State Kim Wyman’s alleged loyalty & perceived ties to Pres. Trump. Here’s an analysis posted on July 13, 2020 by It reports on an analysis that infers a candidate’s nonpartisan rating. The report defines “most-partisan” to mean “a candidate that only gets votes from their party”, and “least-partisan” to mean “a candidate that got the highest number of votes from the opposite party (ie, cross-over votes)” “Based on statistical analysis of over 150,000 data points across 7000 precincts from the 2016 election results, we conclude Secretary of State Kim Wyman is the least-partisan statewide elected official in WA state. And further analysis shows only the most deeply partisan voters voted against Wyman.” According to this report, Wyman earned a crossover rating of 13.05%, based upon the Senate vote and 22.06%, based upon the presidential vote. In both cases these were the highest crossover rating reported. Notably, by both metrics, the SOS GOP candidate, Kim Wyman, was the least-partisan candidate. Interestingly, Wyman’s opponent was the most-partisan, indicating that only the most partisan voters voted for her. And who was Kim Wyman’s opponent in 2016, that earned the rating of most partisan? Tina Podlodowski, who is now the State Chairperson of the Democratic Party and the source of many of the accusations that Wyman is a Trump Ally. She lost the race by nearly 300,000 votes or just a little over 12%. Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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