Trump Claims Obama Administration Got Poor Marks on the Swine Flu Response

SERIOUSLY! ARE YOU KIDDIN’ ME!! #4 Isn’t This Person Supposed to Know Better? 7.24.20 WHAT WAS SAID “If you look at the job he did on swine flu — I looked at a poll, they have polls on everything nowadays and he — they got very bad marks on the job they did on the swine flu. H1N1. He calls it N1H1. H1N1. Got very poor marks from Gallup on the job they did on swine flu. And they stopped very early on, testing.” --Pres. Trump False. Mr. Trump was referring to the performance of Mr. Biden and the Obama administration in dealing with the potential for an earlier pandemic. Diagnostic tests for the swine flu were approved and shipped out less than two weeks after the H1N1 virus was identified in April 2009 and a day before the first death in the United States. From May to September 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shipped more than 1,000 kits, each one able to test 1,000 specimens. Gallup polls showed that 67 percent of Americans were very or somewhat confident in the government’s ability to handle the H1N1 outbreak. This February, 77 percent of Americans told Gallup the same about the government’s ability to handle the coronavirus outbreak — but that percentage has slid as the pandemic has continued and the death toll has increased. In March, 61 percent said the same. By April, just 50 percent approved of Mr. Trump’s response. Overall, about 56.7 percent of Americans now disapprove of Mr. Trump’s response, according to polls aggregated by FiveThirtyEight. ------ Is this a case of not knowing what else to say or a deliberate and rehearsed lie?


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