Yet Another Trump Official Comes Forward to Oppose Him

Could This Be the Beginning of a Trend? #26 Yet another Trump Administration official comes forward to share stories of mismanagement. Elizabeth Neumann Asst. Sec. for Counter Terrorism and Threat Prevention 8.27.20 The video, the latest in a series of administration figures speaking out against the president, was posted Wednesday by Republican Voters Against Trump, founded by neoconservative and Trump antagonist Bill Kristol. Neumann describes herself as a devout Christian who decided to back Trump in 2016 because of “the pro-life issue.” But she now says that Trump has “absolutely failed” and views him as a danger to American lives: “We are less safe today because of his leadership. We will continue to be less safe as long as he is in control,” she says, adding: “I’ll be voting for Joe Biden.” Some of Neumann’s statement: "And over the period of 2017 to 2018, we started to see the rise of the white-supremacist agenda. I, and my leadership at the Department of Homeland Security, were very clear that we found the ideology behind white nationalism, white supremacy, to be a growing threat." "Does the president’s rhetoric make your job harder?” And the answer is yes. Things like, “There are good people on both sides,” or “send them back from where they came from,” those words gave permission to white supremacists to think that what they were doing was permissible." "There were plans put in place for a pandemic for 15 years. When we started to see that a pandemic was on its way to our shores in January, any number of experts told me we need to be executing on these plans. But from January until March 11th, what you saw instead was a number of good public servants attempting to do their job and the president telling them to stop, because he didn’t want the economy to tank and he didn’t want a distraction from his campaign. You needn’t take my word for it. The Rolling Stones article contains the text of her comments and a video of her making the comments.


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