Wyman Cautions About Rapid Ramp-up

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #49 Wyman Cautions About Rapid Ramp-up 8.6.20 In the same June 8th article quoted in #48, Sec. of State Kim Wyman cautions about what she sees as the biggest problem with every state doing Vote by Mail in November. It’s a reasonable concern. “We’ve had so much time to really fine-tune those processes,” said Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman, a leading Republican advocate for mail voting. “That’s probably my biggest concern with this rapid ramp-up to expand absentee voting or move to a vote-by-mail model is: Do they have the time to build up that capacity?” This is the kind of professional analysis and reporting we need and get from Sec. of State Kim Wyman, who has supervised elections every year since 1993. Her opponent, who so often attacks her as a Trump ally, reveals her lack of understanding, regarding Trump’s accusations. Trump makes baseless claims about voting fraud, when the real issue is preparing the infrastructure for massive vote by mail in such a short lead time. But, it's not surprising that Tarleton doesn't grasp the heart of the issue. In her first public comment about Wyman, Gael Tarleton berated Wyman for allowing an online election, without realizing Wyman had no jurisdiction over that particular election. We can’t afford such amateurish leadership in our elections system. We need to re-elect Kim Wyman as our Secretary of State. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/minuscule-number-of-potentially-fraudulent-ballots-in-states-with-universal-mail-voting-undercuts-trump-claims-about-election-risks/2020/06/08/1e78aa26-a5c5-11ea-bb20-ebf0921f3bbd_story.html?fbclid=IwAR2lEcJBKbXe1VeMWyOHFkKcUgEs9-sHjfsWO8uOPZjZKLKe3YdeKXOxHmk Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board. of experience and training by refusing to discuss issues like this and Wyman’s contradiction


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