Pellicciotti's Assertions Prove Unsubstantiated

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #63 None of the corporations in which the state invests have contributed to Davidson’s campaign. 8.30.20 On his campaign website, challenger Mike Pellicciotti implies State Treasurer Duane Davidson accepts campaign contributions from corporations in which the state invests. “...will stop the practice of state treasurers investing your tax dollars in the same corporations that fund their political campaigns.” First of all, the State Treasurer does not decide in which companies or corporations WA State invests. If Pellicciotti knew anything at all about the job he is seeking, he would know that. Perhaps he does, and he just doesn’t care if he lies. Secondly, a review of the 2020 PDC filings, regarding the state’s top thirteen major corporate investments does not support this assertion. None of the thirteen major corporations in which the state invests has contributed to Davidson’s campaign. This information is public record and Pellicciotti could easily have found that out for himself. And perhaps he did, but decided to lie anyway. Third, there’s another factor to be considered. Pellicciotti may be following the play book given to him by State Democratic Chairperson Tina Podlodowski. In her 2016 race against Kim Wyman, Podlodowski regularly repeated false and misleading information, even when she had been given the correct information. She seems to have no problems with lying. I’m not clear as to why WEA has chosen not to endorse Davidson in this election, as they did in 2016. He has the training and experience for the job. Nor am I clear why WEA would endorse a candidate who is so sadly ill-informed about the job he seeks. I’m sticking with Duane Davidson for State Treasurer. Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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