Kim Wyman - Defender of the State's Election System

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #77 Keep Wyman as defender of state’s election system HeraldNet/Sept. 17, 2020 9.23.20 First the Seattle Times endorsed Kim Wyman for re-election as Secretary of State - twice. Now the Everett Herald endorses Kim Wyman for re-election as Secretary of State. For the life of me, I can’t understand why WEA failed to endorse Kim Wyman for Secretary of State in 2020, after having done so in 2012 & 2016. -kmortland “Wyman has overseen a range of programs to reform and update the state’s registration and election system, including the update of the statewide database — VoteWA — that have allowed roll out of registration and other improvements while safeguarding election security.”


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