Pellicciotti Has Gone on a Slimy, Desperate Fishing Expedition
On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #72
Davidson a Responsible Manager, Pellicciotti Attacks Anyway
Davidson, by all accounts, is a state executive who knows how to responsibly manage taxpayer money.
However his opponent, Mike Pellicciotti, would have voters believe Davidson is an ineffective no-show who cares more about getting a haircut than doing his job.
Pellicciotti, a two-term Democrat legislator from Federal Way, is on the offensive in his bid to unseat Davidson — a Republican born and raised in Washington state, a licensed Certified Public Accountant and elected four times as Benton County treasurer, serving from 2003-2014.
Pellicciotti is a lawyer and state House member known for championing government transparency laws, which is commendable.
But when it comes to experience in managing a treasurer’s office, Pelliciotti can’t compare to Davidson.
Perhaps that is why he apparently has gone on a slimy, desperate fishing expedition looking for any bit of information he can twist and use against Davidson.
Unreservedly, the Tri-City Herald Editorial Board recommends Republican Duane Davidson for Washington State Treasurer.
Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.
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