Trump misstates what happened in Kenosha
Trump/Pence Fact Checks #2
AP FACT CHECK:Trump misstates what happened in Kenosha
TRUMP, on Wisconsin officials and the National Guard:
“Once they responded and once we took, you know, control of it, things went really well.” — remarks in Kenosha.
That’s a distortion. He had nothing to do with the deployment of the National Guard in Wisconsin. The federal government never “took control of it.”
It seems to me that Pres. Donald Trump has no compunctions about taking credit for things others have done and in which he's had no significant participation. In other words, he lies whenever it suits him. Can't imagine how he figures that's going to help him win an election, unless he counting on enough people listening only to him and having no other source of information to carry the day for him.
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