Barrett's Scholarship is superlative; She is the philosophical Obverse of Ginberg

Is Justice Barrett the Latest Shot in the “Deconstruction of Government” Pt. 3 / Justice Amy Coney Barrett may not be one of the most qualified candidates for the Supreme Court to receive confirmation, but her scholarship credentials are superlative. Barrett earned her law degree, summa cum laude, in 1997 at the #22 law school in the country, according to USNews, Notre Dame. She also taught law there since 2002. / She was confirmed as an Appellate Court Judge in the Seventh Circuit on Oct 30, 2017. That means she’s been a Circuit Court Judge for all of three years, during which time she wrote 79 majority opinions. So, there is ample written record in her 79 opinions to give researchers an opportunity to measure her abilities to analyze legal issues and write concise opinions. / The uproar over her nomination and confirmation seems to stem largely from her almost categorical obverse legal philosophy from that of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. And, she inherits some of the angst from Sen. McConnell’s refusal to even process Pres. Obama’s last Supreme Court Nomination. She’s 48 years old and, barring any demographic anomaly, will likely be on the Supreme Court for 20 years or more. Her addition to the Supreme Court creates a solid 6-3 majority of conservatives and will likely delay reconstruction of the deconstruction by a generation of more. (You are invited to share your thoughts and ideas as this series proceeds. Please document or cite any assertions you make, as a means of keeping the discussion constructive and on track. )


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