New Series/"Deconstruction of Government" #1

Is Justice Barrett the Latest Shot in the “Deconstruction of Government” Pt. 1 / This is a new series, intended to initiate dialogue on issues surrounding the unique characteristic of the Trump Administration. / “Deconstruction of Government” is a concept delineated by Steve Bannon in a speech to the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC); where he said, “... President Trump’s cabinet picks are aimed at “deconstruction of the administrative state,” meaning weakening regulatory agencies and other bureaucratic entities.” / / In that speech, Bannon was focused upon the administrative bureaucracy, but subsequent events widened the scope of the concept to include most all of federal government. I seem to recall an analogy that describes it as to “drown it”. (You are invited to share your thoughts and ideas as this series proceeds. Please document or cite any assertions you make, as a means of keeping the discussion constructive and on track. )


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