Schools of Constitutional Interpretation/ Justice Barrett Pt. 2

Is Justice Barrett the Latest Shot in the “Deconstruction of Government” Pt. 2 / Schools of Constitutional Interpretation: Living Constitution; Originalism, Political Process theory; Purposivism; Textualism; & Strict Constructions. / From the perspective of an observer, these six schools seem to be two groupings of three. Living Constitution, Political Process theory, & Purposivism in one group and Originalism, Textualism, & Strict Construction in the other. / The former seems to me to exist to make deciding the Constitutionality of a law easier and avoiding the lengthy task of pursuing a Constitutional Amendment. This makes change easier, which appeals to liberals. It also helps establish a body of precedent that can make future changes easier. / The latter seems to me to exist to make deciding the Constitutionality of a law more difficult and force the proponents of change into the lengthy task of pursuing a Constitutional Amendment. This makes change difficult, which appeals to conservatives. It also helps establish a body of precedent that can make future changes more difficult. / (You are invited to share your thoughts and ideas as this series proceeds. Please document or cite any assertions you make, as a means of keeping the discussion constructive and on track. )


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