Vancouver Columbian Endorsed Davidson for Treasurer

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #93 / Vancouver Columbian Endorsed Davidson for Treasurer / Columbian, Oct. 9, 2020 / 10.12.20 / With Washington facing a budget crunch brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, experience and continuity are essential in overseeing the state’s finances. The Columbian Editorial Board recommends that Republican Duane Davidson be reelected as state treasurer. / In Davidson, they will find a candidate who is completing his first term after serving four terms as Benton County treasurer. Prior to that, he worked as a certified public accountant and an assistant state auditor. / During Davidson’s tenure as state treasurer, Washington has attained a AAA bond rating from Moody’s for the first time, and his office has developed a Washington State Fund Directory that allows state agencies and local governments better access to resources for funding projects. “I hadn’t heard of some of the programs before,” he told the editorial board. “Our office ought to be supportive of local governments.”


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