Why Is the Democratic Party Targeting One of Its Own?

What Is the Role of a ‘State Bank’ in the WA State Treasurer’s Race? Pt. 8 / Why is the Democratic Party Targeting One of Its Own? / 10.23.20 / It’s long been known that to be a moderate Republican is to invite internecine conflict from the more conservative factors in our party. So, to reach across the aisle in this day and age can be detrimental to a political career. / Two Republican US Senators come to mind, both of whom have developed reputations for moderation and reaching across the aisle. They are Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Though they have crossed the aisle on occasion to support Democratic issues, they are now the targets of the Democratic endeavor to flip the US Senate. Why? Could it be because it’s presumed they will lack support from their own party? That’s pretty cold! / Here in WA State, a similar fight is developing within the State Democratic Party. Democratic leadership has targeted Sen. Mark Mullet a Democrat from the 5th Legislative District for replacement by a much more liberal and union supported rookie, Ingrid Anderson. Is this internecine fight Mullet’s price for being a moderate liberal? It would seem so. But wait, there’s more to it….? / If Mullet is defeated, that opens the door for Sen. Bob Hasegawa (currently vice chair of the House Financial Institutions Committee and a sponsor of numerous bills to create a State Bank) to move up and become chairperson. That would give him control over the agenda of the Democratic Party in the House Financial Institutional Committee and improve the chances for the creation of a State Bank, which appears to be a goal of the Democrats. But wait, there’s more. / Democrats have nominated a lawyer and legislator, Rep. Mike Pellicciotti, to run for State Treasurer. Pellicciotti is not a CPA or a person with any banking or investment training or experience. So, why would the Democrats spend so much money to get him elected? Could it be that the Democrats are seeking to get rid of the current State Treasurer, Duane Davidson, a Republican who is opposed to a state bank? Would it be easier for the Democrats to push through a State Bank, if the State Treasurer remained silent on the issue or even supported it? / I realize this information involves speculation, but that speculation is based upon logical inferences from established facts. I also realize it comes a bit late, as I’ve only just begun to sense the scope of this development.


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