This series will focus upon fact checks done by recognized and reputable sources
Washington Post
Mar. 2, 2021
“Capitol Police requested National Guard help prior to January 6th. That request was denied by Speaker Pelosi and her Sergeant at Arms.”
— Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), in a tweet, Feb. 15, 2021
The Facts
There are three key players here: Steven A. Sund, the U.S. Capitol Police chief; Paul D. Irving, the House sergeant-at-arms, and Michael C. Stenger, the Senate sergeant-at-arms. All three resigned under pressure after the Jan. 6 insurrection.
Without evidence, Jordan asserted that House Speaker Pelosi had denied a request for National Guard troops two days before the insurrection. Instead, public testimony shows she did not even hear about the request until two days later. Jordan also tried to pin the blame on the House sergeant-at-arms, but testimony shows the Senate sergeant-at-arms also was not keen about the idea.
We will keep an eye on this issue in case new information emerges that would result in a new rating. But for the moment, Jordan earns Four Pinocchios for his tweet. Speculation is not the same as evidence.
Upholding the Constitution and Laws of the State of WA
On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #4 Why I’ve Decided to Support Kim Wyman, Despite WEA’s Failure to Endorse Her for a Third Time. 4.13.20 “The Secretary of State takes an oath of office to uphold the (US) Constitution and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Washington to the best of her ability. It is imperative that the Secretary follow those laws without regard to personal preference or party affiliation, as adherence to the law is not optional.” Kim Wyman Kim Wyman has 26 years of experience as an election administrator and has overseen well over 100 elections. During those years, her administration has been known for its nonpartisanship in running elections and managing the offices. She does not take a stand on public issues, such as choice, gun control, same-sex marriage, taxation, minimum wage, or charter schools, that may or will come up for a vote. For that reason, voters see her and the office as being impartial. When Pres. Trump’s Elections Fraud Co...
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