On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #9 How to Become Part of Your Local’s Endorsement Process BOTTOM LINE 4.25.20 Though I’m a lifelong Republican, I have been actively involved in WEA’s process of endorsing political candidates for nearly fifty years. The process involves a questionnaire, an interview, possibly a debate by the interview team, and a vote. Over the years, it has been largely a very democratic process, both with a small ‘d’ and a large ‘D’. I happen to believe education policy should be non-partisan. Schools serve both liberal and conservative parents, and should deliver essentially the same services to each. But, the simple truth is, Democratic Party policy tends to be more supportive of educational policy, including unions; while Republican Party policy tends to be more critical of educational policy, including unions. I wish that were not so, but those are the facts. So far this year, WEA has endorsed 26 candidates, with 7 of them being statewide. None were Republicans. There are a great deal more endorsements to be made, most of them legislative or local offices. If you are a member of WEA, you are also eligible to participate in the endorsement process. Each local association will recruit from among its participating members a cadre to evaluate the questionnaires and help in the interview process. You may be able to be selected, if you’ve been a regular participant in union activities. However, you should not expect to be selected simply because you asked to be. The bottom line here is that refusing to participate in the day-to-day functioning of the union effectively cuts you off from participation in some annual functions. Therefore, you should consider running to be one of your building’s reps and, if elected, be sure to attend each representative council meeting. That is the first step in becoming a known commodity by your local union’s leadership. ---------------- Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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