An Example of When One Member Brought about Change.

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #18 An Example of When One Member Brought about Change. 5.15.20 My second example is an NEA RA New Business Item that called for NEA members to encourage law enforcement officers and other public servants to refuse to cooperate with federal officers in enforcing immigration laws. Delegates were being asked to encourage teachers, counselors, administrators, police officers and other public official to break the law. You may think what you like about the concept of sanctuary cities or schools, but this was a major policy violation for NEA. And that would be the battle field upon which the issue was decided. One member was recognized to speak and asked the chair a question, “Did urging members to break the law violate NEA RA floor rules and, if it did, would the chair please rule this NBI “out of order”. After lengthy discussion behind the podium, the chair came back and ruled that the NBI did, indeed, violate NEA floor rules and then he ruled it “out of order”. Before I go on, it’s important that you understand that the NEA members supporting this item had spent the better part of a year getting the issue before the RA. And in the blink of an eye, their endeavor died. The makers of the motion had one last opportunity, according to parliamentary rules. They challenged the ruling of the chair and asked that his ruling be put to a vote of the entire assembly (often as many as 10,000 delegates). Their hope was that most of the delegates would support them. To the surprise of many that afternoon, the delegates resoundingly supported the ruling of the chair and the battle was over. This decision was brought about because one member out of ten thousand understood the rules and had the will power to speak out. It also required strong leadership to issue that ruling. I suspect for many of you this is a very different perspective of WEA/NEA. ------------ Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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