The elite military club that's scorning Trump

Could This Be the Beginning of a Trend? #11 The elite military club that's scorning Trump Opinion by Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst Updated 8:28 PM ET, Mon June 8, 2020 (CNN)”You join the most elite club in the US military when you pin on your fourth star; there were, as of 2019, only 39 four-star general officers across the various services of the US armed forces, according to the US Congressional Research Service.” “Once those four-star generals and admirals retire, with a very few exceptions they avoid taking any kind of public stance on political issues, seeking even in retirement to uphold the apolitical nature of the US military, a key to its widespread popularity among Americans.” “Because of this norm, when retired three-star general Michael Flynn went on the campaign trail for then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and led crowds at the 2016 Republican convention chanting "Lock her up" of Trump's opponent Hillary Clinton, his behavior was widely viewed by his peers as completely beyond the pale.” Yet, the following retired military four stars going on record about Pres. Trump. Could this be the beginning of a trend? -Gen. Martin Dempsey, former chairman of the joint chiefs -Gen. Colin Powell, the chairman of the joint chiefs under President George H.W. Bush -retired four-star Marine Gen. Jim Mattis, who served as US Secretary of Defense for President Trump -architect of the operation that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in 2011, Admiral William McRaven -Gen. Vincent Brooks, who commanded all US troops in South Korea under President Trump until he retired last year Could this be the beginning of a trend? I don’t see how it could be interpreted any other way.


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