Former Joint Chiefs Chairman Condemns Trump's Threat To Use Military At Protests

Could This Be the Beginning of a Trend? #5 Former Joint Chiefs Chairman Condemns Trump's Threat To Use Military At Protests June 4, 20208:00 PM ET Steve Inskeep 6.11.20 In rare public comments, the former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Ret. Gen. Martin Dempsey condemned Trump's threat to use military force to suppress nationwide protests as "dangerous" and "very troubling," in an interview with NPR on Thursday. "The idea that the president would take charge of the situation using the military was troubling to me," Gen. Dempsey said. The retired general said military involvement should be reserved for "conflict in external wars." "The idea that the military would be called in to dominate and to suppress what, for the most part, were peaceful protests — admittedly, where some had opportunistically turned them violent — and that the military would somehow come in and calm that situation was very dangerous to me," he said.


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