Mainstream Republicans of WA, the “Other Washington” Republicans

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #27 The “Other Washington” Republicans 6.10.20 So, this fledgling union leader worked to help his members, while also working to help elect Republicans, whose willingness to help others coincided with mine. I supported Dan Evans & Art Fletcher in 1968, when I ran for precinct committeeman in the 45th District which then encompassed Northgate, Wedgewood, & Lake City. Years later, I would once again be in the 45th, though by then it had moved around the north end of Lake Washington into Kenmore, Bothell, Kirkland, and Redmond. At which point this would be reformer became fed up with both parties. I was ready to tell them both to take a flying leap! Enter a moderate Republican state legislator named Louise Miller. She was a 45th District legislator with whom I’d been working on education legislation. I would come to have great respect for her. When I voiced my frustrations, she suggested that before I quit politics I should meet some of her colleagues. She introduced me to Mainstream Republicans of WA, the moderate wing of the WA GOP. And a new set of opportunities opened up. Mainstream Republicans of WA, the “Other Washington” Republicans. They were quite different. I would get to work with the likes of Louise Miller, who moved on the the King County Council; Ralph Munro, who was then WA Secretary of State; Sam Reed, who was then Thurston County Auditor and would become Secretary of State in 2000; Doug Sutherland, who had been Pierce County Executive and moved on to Commissioner of Public Lands; Kim Wyman, who would become Thurston County Auditor in 2000 and then WA Secretary of State in 2012; Toby Nixon, who would represent the 45th District and the become a Kirkland City Councilman,; and many others. These folks would not only be exemplars as public servants but also my mentors. The most important part for me was that these were Republicans who believed in helping people in need and delivering good government services. They would become the platform for a renewed endeavor to bring Republicans and WEA members closer together. ------------ Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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