Upholding the Constitution and Laws of the State of WA

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #4 Why I’ve Decided to Support Kim Wyman, Despite WEA’s Failure to Endorse Her for a Third Time. 4.13.20 “The Secretary of State takes an oath of office to uphold the (US) Constitution and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Washington to the best of her ability. It is imperative that the Secretary follow those laws without regard to personal preference or party affiliation, as adherence to the law is not optional.” Kim Wyman Kim Wyman has 26 years of experience as an election administrator and has overseen well over 100 elections. During those years, her administration has been known for its nonpartisanship in running elections and managing the offices. She does not take a stand on public issues, such as choice, gun control, same-sex marriage, taxation, minimum wage, or charter schools, that may or will come up for a vote. For that reason, voters see her and the office as being impartial. When Pres. Trump’s Elections Fraud Committee demanded information about WA’s voters that went way beyond what the law allowed, Wyman made sure that the only information they received was that which the law required to be shared. Despite demands for more information, she held fast to obeying the WA State law. Furthermore, despite the demands from many, who insisted she not give the committee anything, she made it clear that to do so was to violate WA State law and delivered what was required by our laws. And that’s another reason I will be supporting Kim Wyman. Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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