A slimy, desperate fishing expedition

Pellicciotti Is at It Again / Attacking the Only Qualified Candidate in the Race / “ a slimy, desperate fishing expedition.” / First, he tried to accuse State Treasurer Duane Davidson of taking campaign contributions from corporations in which WA State invested. Facts do not support that accusation. https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/6874288031269103101/2984578539516356019?hl=en / Next, he accused State Treasurer Duane Davidson of not attending the meetings in which those investment decisions are discussed. That was not supported, either. https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/6874288031269103101/1760093901064260634?hl=en / The Tri-City Herald noticed this attack mode plan. This is what they said: “he apparently has gone on a slimy, desperate fishing expedition looking for any bit of information he can twist and use against Davidson.” https://www.tri-cityherald.com/article245658875.html / “Unreservedly, the Tri-City Herald Editorial Board recommends Republican Duane Davidson for Washington State Treasurer.” https://www.tri-cityherald.com/article245658875.html /. Now Pellicciotti is running a series of TV attack ads during the last ten days of the races, hoping to smear State Treasurer Davidson’s name sufficiently to win the race. These new ads feature the same old baloney he tried earlier, but now there won’t be time to field corrections or point out his lies. / At this point, it’s wise to review the 1st Rule for Unqualified Candidates: Attack, Attack, Attack. Divert attention away from your lack of qualifications. / I hope WA Voters as not buying any of this rancid baloney. / Re-Elect State Treasurer Duane Davidson.


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