‘Privileged Monologue’ - Making Assertions Without Support

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #41 ‘Privileged Monologue’ Making Assertions Without Support 7.11.20 One of the more unfortunate developments in political discourse in the last decade is that on social media there appears to be no need for a writer/poster to provide context or offer corroboration for any assertions made. I suspect one of the more annoying aspects that other posters find in my social media interactions is my constant demand that a writer/poster provide documentation for the assertion being made. When confronted with such a demand, many writers are astonished. It’s as if they believed that no one had the right to challenge them to prove their assertions. Often, posters/writers will repeat unsubstantiated assertions over and over again, and simply ignore replies demanding proof. I think there are three possible explanations for this rather extraordinary behavior: First, many professional posters on the internet make wild assertions, offering no proof or documentation. So, their readers are not used to reading offers of proof. Second, most of these writers feel they are so special and profound that they should never be challenged about anything they choose to write or say. Third, since they are writing/posting for an audience of dedicated followers and supporters, the writers know their audience will never challenge them about anything they say. The writers are unprepared for an open and documented dialogue, preferring the ‘privileged monologue’ form of communication. Here are a couple of examples. 1] Pres. Trump has tweeted and spoken publicly about the risks of using Vote-by-Mail, without offering a shred of evidence to support his claim. WA Sec. of State Kim Wyman has challenged him on that assertion and invited him to come and see how ballots are processed. He has yet to take her up on that offer. Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump RIGGED 2020 ELECTION: MILLIONS OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS WILL BE PRINTED BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES, AND OTHERS. IT WILL BE THE SCANDAL OF OUR TIMES! 2] WA State Democratic Party Chair Tina Podlodowski opines that the GOP Supreme Court has made it virtually impossible for Alabama voters to use mail-in ballots and that this amounts to voter suppression. She goes on to say, It’s vital we elect [the Democrat] as Sec. of State… “as it happens here too, just more insidious action by the current GOP incumbent.” She accuses Sec. of State Wyman of voter suppression, but offers no proof as support for her unwarranted assertion. Tina Podlodowski July 3 at 7:47 AM GOP SCOTUS picks make it virtually impossible for Alabama voters to use mail-in ballots...voter suppression will be the story of this election cycle. It’s vital we elect Gael Tarleton Washington Secretary of State folks, as it happens here too, just more insidious action by the current GOP incumbent. How is this different from flat out lying? ------------ Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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