Trump Claims Dr. Fauci Said, "Don't Worry About It"

SERIOUSLY! ARE YOU KIDDIN’ ME!! #6 Isn’t This Person Supposed to Know Better? — President Trump, in an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News, July 19, 2020 8.14.20 “Dr. Fauci at the beginning said, ‘This will pass. Don’t worry about it. This will pass.’ He was wrong.” Fauci never said anything like “This will pass.” He spoke as a scientist, evaluating the data in front of him. From the start, he warned of the need to be vigilant. On Jan. 20, Fauci told CNN: “If this evolves into a pandemic, there’s no way we in the United States are going to escape having more infections in this country.” On Feb. 29, “When you start to see community spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread.” “When you have cases throughout the world, the way we’re seeing now — South Korea, Italy, Iran and places like that — the United States cannot be completely immune to that. In other words, Fauci never said “Don’t worry about it.”


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