Kim Wyman on Q13 Fox: The Divide

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #61 WA Secretary of State Kim Wyman on Q13 Fox: The Divide Time stamp 13:40 8.28.20 This series is in response to WA State Democratic Party Chairperson’s claiming Sec. of State Kim Wyman has not been “championing vote by mail across the country” . Host Brandi Kruse: "What do you do when the people of your own party try to undermining the system that you’re in charge of? We’ve talked about the fact that Pres. Trump talked about delaying the November election. Lauren Culp, current Republican candidate for governor, sent out a tweet, suggesting mail-in-voting isn’t effective." Sec. of State Kim Wyman: “My job is elections. So, if a candidate for governor or the president of the United States or the US Attorney General wants to politicize administrative processes that they have never conducted, they know very little about; they have not taken me up on opportunity to come and show them in an election office, how it’s done and why it’s secure and the measures we have in place; then they just going to make those basely political claims and I’m sure their base is going to love it; I’m sure they’re going to angry with me and they may even vote me out of office - and you know what, I’m ok with that. But I’m not up to politicizing the job, so if the attacks come from the right or the left, it doesn’t matter. My job is elections." Just another reason why I’ve chosen to support Kim Wyman for re-election as Secretary of WA, even though WEA has chosen not to endorse her for a third term. ------------ Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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