I'm Just Baffled

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #50 Days Like This, I Am Just Baffled 8.7.20 During my fifty years working within our educational system, I’ve seen WEA members demonstrate their understanding of the need for training and experience by building salary schedules that reward additional training and years of experience. I’ve seen WEA PAC leaders recognize the value of training and experience in the endorsements they made (Kim Wyman 2012 & 2016 and Duane Davidson 2016). But, this election cycle, I’ve seen WEA PAC abandon those sensible values and endorse two candidates with little or no training or experience in the jobs they are seeking. Those candidates are Gael Tarleton -Secretary of State and Mike Pellicciotti-State Treasurer. Tarleton is an ex-Port Commission and State Legislator and Pellicciotti is an ex-legislator and lawyer. Both are Democrats. Secretary of State Kim Wyman leads Tarleton by approximately 7%. Mike Pellicciotti leads State Treasurer Duane Davidson by approximately 6%. Why WEA would abandon the training and experience of Wyman and Davidson leaves me just baffled. -------- Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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