Pellicciotti Lies by Omission

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #68 Pellicciotti Lies by Omission 9.8.20 Mike Pellicciotti is not qualified to be State Treasurer. So, if you’re unqualified for the job, how do you build a campaign? By attacking the incumbent, of course. That was Tina Podlodowski’s plan when she ran against Sec. of State Kim Wyman in 2016. She’s now the Chairperson of the WA State Democratic Party. So, why are we surprised that unqualified Democrats are attacking incumbents. Unfortunately, Pellicciotti’s demonstrates his lack of training and experience in the accusations he’s making. For example, he’s attacking State Treasurer Duane Davidson for not attending investment meetings. However, pursuant to law, the Asst. Treasurer can and does attend those meetings. A point Pellicciotti’s carefully omits. It’s ironic, actually. Earlier, Pellicciotti implied State Treasurer Davidson was taking campaign contributions from the same companies he recommends for WA State investments. (Note: That turns out not to be true, either.) Now, he’s criticizing Davidson for not attending the meetings where he could have made such recommendations. Then there’s the fact that the decisions on where to invest are not made by the State Treasurer, but rather the investment board. Again, Pellicciotti seems to know very little about the job he is seeking. We need a trained financial leader in the office of State Treasurer. That’s why I support Duane Davidson, despite the fact WEA has failed to endorse him. Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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