Teenager test positive. Parents sent him to school anyway.

SERIOUSLY! ARE YOU KIDDIN’ ME!! #19 Teenager test positive. Parents sent him to school anyway. You’d Think Parents Would Know Better After 37 years in the classroom, I can’t say I’m surprised. There will always be those parents or guardians who think it’s the school system’s job to look after their kids during the daytime, sick or not. - kmortland Six students tested positive for the coronavirus days before Attleboro High School in Massachusetts reopened its doors for the first day of school this week. Only five of them stayed home, the city’s mayor told WJAR. The parents of the sixth student who tested positive sent him to class anyway, the mayor said. Now, 28 students who were in close contact with that young man have to quarantine for two weeks. “It was a reckless action to send a child — a teenager — to school who was COVID positive,” Attleboro Mayor Paul Heroux told WHDH. “It was really poor judgment. If you know that your child has coronavirus, is COVID positive, you should not send your child to school under any circumstances.” As the new academic year begins, schools nationwide have had to cope with students coming to school despite knowing that they have the highly infectious virus. In Oklahoma City, a student also attended the first day in class despite testing positive. The parents and the student said they thought the quarantine was only for five days because the child was asymptomatic. As a result, 17 students had to quarantine. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/a-teenager-tested-positive-for-covid-19-his-parents-sent-him-to-school-anyway/?fbclid=IwAR3vQNaHQJyXFl2Xbrr2WWomFs0wAdUauU7D39C8vtNTccQPGgXCGUrpUsA


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