Trump Claims Rejected Ballots Proof of Fraud

Trump/Pence Fact Checks This series will focus upon fact checks done by recognized and reputable sources AP FACT CHECK: NOVEMBER ELECTION 9.10.20 TRUMP, retweeting an Associated Press analysis projecting the number of ballots that get rejected will soar this fall because of increased mail-in voting: “Rigged Election!” — tweet Tuesday. THE FACTS: No, defective ballots do not equate to fraud. The overwhelming majority aren’t. Missed Deadline: According to the Brennan Center for Justice, the vast majority of ballots are disqualified because they arrive late, a particular worry this year because of recent U.S. Postal Service delays and an expected surge in mail-in voting during the coronavirus pandemic. Missing Signature: Ballots also are deemed defective if there is a missing signature — common with newer voters unfamiliar with the process — or it doesn’t match what’s on file. In addition, some states require absentee voters to get a witness or notary to sign their ballots. “None of those are fraud,” said Wendy Weiser, director of Brennan’s democracy program at NYU School of Law. When suspected cases are investigated for potential fraud, studies have borne out the main reason for defects is voter mistake. The AP analysis published Monday found that rejections of absentee ballots could triple compared with 2016 in some battleground states, potentially tipping the election outcome. It said voters “could be disenfranchised in key battleground states” and that nullified votes could be “even more pronounced in some urban areas where Democratic votes are concentrated and ballot rejection rates trended higher during this year’s primaries.” That’s far from an election “rigged” against Trump. Ballots that get rejected in fact disproportionately impact voters of color, and recent lawsuits have successfully challenged some requirements on voter verification as posing health risks or disenfranchising voters. “It is the No. 1 thing that keeps me up at night — the idea that voters will do everything they can to ensure their ballot is returned on time and the system will still fail them,” said Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat.


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