Wyman Helped Build Trust/Deserves Third Term

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #78 Wyman, during her two terms, has helped build trust in our elections and deserves a third term. HeraldNet/Sept. 17, 2020 9.24.20 Washington was among 18 states that the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee report found had been subject to attempts by the Russian government to hack into its election systems in 2016. At the time, Wyman’s office said the hacking attempts were detected by the state’s election security defenses, which blocked traffic from the IP addresses responsible, and reported those attacks to the FBI; no voter registration data was compromised. Nor were any election results jeopardized in the 2016 attack; county tabulation machines, for example, are “air-gapped” and not connected to the internet, and the state’s mail-in ballots provide a paper record of every vote. https://www.heraldnet.com/opinion/editorial-keep-wyman-as-defender-of-states-election-system/


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