North Dakota Bank Is Looked to as the Model

What Is the Role of a ‘State Bank’ in the WA State Treasurer’s Race? Pt. 3 / North Dakota Bank Is Looked to as the Model / 10.19.20 / For the last several Legislative sessions, Democratic legislators have sponsored bills to create either a state bank and/or an investment trust. Much is being made of the success of the North Dakota State Bank and that should, indeed, be a consideration. Also, much is made of California’s efforts to establish a state bank. / There are other considerations that are rarely covered in the efforts to establish a WA State Bank. For example…. / The North Dakota State Bank benefits from the state’s share of the current oil boom, in that something like 12% of the revenue generated goes to the state. / Even in times of low oil prices, that's a great boon to a state bank and can not be matched here in WA State.


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