Wyman Knows Her Stuff

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #89 / Kim Wyman Knows Her Stuff / Union-Bulletin Editorial Board Sept. 24, 2020 / 10.08.20 / Wyman has made Washington’s vote-by-mail system the model to emulate. She is consistently sought after for advice from officials from other states (Democrats as well as Republicans) and is the go-to expert when the national media wants insights on vote-by-mail and election security. / She knows her stuff and her office is well managed. We see no reason to replace her, particularly at a time when election security and voter access are a concern around the nation. Washington’s elections are among the nation’s most secure. / https://www.union-bulletin.com/opinion/editorials/secretary-of-state-wyman-deserves-to-be-re-elected/article_5e35c411-edee-5740-9b0c-8249bc44dc39.html?fbclid=IwAR34_uKFkmmCKb1uBbJRWIbBfd9E_yWXXHCxbAP_OlFWCHBKqUA0apbysL0


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