I Must Decide f I Will Step Aside or Support Wyman

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #1 Why I’ve Decided to Support Kim Wyman, Despite WEA’s Failure to Endorse Her for a Third Time. 4.6.20 I have spent the last 30 years working to bring WEA & Mainstream Republicans of WA (MRW) closer together. Beginning in 1972, I served on the Northshore Education Association’s Rep Council or Executive Committee in one capacity or another for two decades; everything from building rep to vice president. WEA Pres. C. T. Purdom asked me to lead an effort to create a WEA Republican Educator’s Caucus. It was a joint effort of NEA & the RNC and WEA & WSRP. and lasted for three years. It was moderately successful in the first two. Eventually, the momentum died and the caucus atrophied. As a WEA delegate, I became a charter member of the NEA Republican Leaders Conference in 2007 and attended five conferences. The project had its origin in the 2006 NEA RA. In recent discussions with the new WEA leadership, there was talk about reaching out to WEA’s more conservative members. I volunteered to participate in that effort, as it was exactly what I was asked to do by WEA Pres. Purdom. Because of my work with WEA and MRW, I have had to take a rather unique stance on some elections. Though I might have wished to support a specific candidate in a specific race, if WEA and MRW endorsed opposing candidates, I would stand aside and take no part. Essentially, I was free to support Republicans when WEA endorsed them or when WEA did not endorse the opponent. When MRW had no candidate in a specific race, I considered myself free to support the WEA endorsed candidate, which was usually a Democrat. I brought Sam Reed and Kim Wyman to the attention of WEA PAC and both have been endorsed candidates for Secretary of State. Unfortunately, this year WEA has chosen not to endorse Wyman, who is the best qualified candidate in the race. Now I must decide if I will step aside or support Wyman. I’ve decided to support Wyman. ------------ Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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