Why I’ve Decided to Support Duane Davidson - Training & Experience

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #7 Why I’ve Decided to Support Duane Davidson, Training & Experience 4.20.20 It would seem Kim Wyman is not the only statewide candidate being challenged by a Democrat who lacks the qualifications for the job. State Treasurer Duane Davidson is being challenged by a Democratic legislator, who is a lawyer by profession. Davidson has other things in common with Wyman. He, too, was endorsed by WEA in 2016 and was not endorsed in 2020. He has extensive experience in managing public funds, having served as Treasurer for Benton County for four terms and for WA State for one term. It seems puzzling that WEA would once again opt for an untrained & inexperienced candidate, instead of endorsing the experienced and trained candidate they endorsed in 2016. Davidson has had a long career as a public treasurer and government finance professional both as a four-term county treasurer and previous chief accountant, both in Benton County. Prior to his long and outstanding tenure in Benton County, Davidson served the state for several years as an assistant state auditor, auditing local governments. Based upon training and experience, Duane Davidson is the only qualified candidate in the race for State Treasurer and WEA should have endorsed him. And that’s why I’ll be supporting him in November. ------------ Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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