OK, this one's going to be interesting to follow. Will the current Supreme Court maintain the precedent set by previous courts that American presidents are not immune from prosecution and must respond to properly issues grand jury proceedings, as it did in the Nixon and Clinton cases? Or will the Supreme Court now abandon that precedent in order to protect the current president from the same due process demands?
Oral arguments are not the only sounds that will be heard by the Supreme Court next Tuesday. There will also be the fluttering of chickens coming home to roost.

Before congressional Republicans fell in love with their current leader, they embraced a principle from which he claims to be exempt. His Republicans, who believe nothing displeasing to him and everything convenient for him, are now required to believe this: A president should be “categorically immune” to grand jury subpoenas from a local prosecutor even for materials possessed by a third party — materials unrelated to the president’s activities as president.


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