One Example of When We Failed and What Happened Next.

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #17 One Example of When We Failed and What Happened Next 5.13.20 When a local association became embroiled in a legal controversy, the local president and the association’s UniServ Rep engaged in what one could only call “witness tampering”. The matter was being handled through legal channels and three of the association’s teachers were told by the association president that their future membership in the association depended upon what they said when they testified. I know what your thinking right now. How does he know? That’s a fair question, but I’ll not be revealing names of people or the association. Suffice it to say I knew all three of those teachers personally and was a spectator in the entire process. The testimony was given before a hearing officer and the matter at issue was decided. But the act of “witness tampering” still remained, although it had not influenced the outcome because the teachers testified exactly as they had planned. The experience had been hard for those teachers and the whole episode left a bad taste in my mouth. I requested and received a personal meeting with the WEA president, who included WEA’s legal counsel in the meeting. I made clear that I had questions for them about the process and, if I wasn’t satisfied with the answers, I’d be taking a New Business Item (NBI) before the next WEA RA to generate protocols that would prevent this from ever happening again. If it went before WEA RA, it essential went public. When the meeting finished, all three of us had agreed that the process for dealing with this whole issue had been poorly handled by the local and by WEA. It was agreed that WEA would review the process and recommend changes to prevent further episodes. Leadership had listened to me, the evidence was considered, and a worthwhile outcome was achieved. Since then, I’ve never heard of any such episode taking place. And I didn’t have to take an NBI to WEA RA. How did I manage to get a personal meeting with the WEA President? Not because I went ballistic and caused a stink. I had already worked within WEA for fifteen years and was a known commodity. I helped get things done that I believed were appropriate and had campaigned for many of the folks who were in leadership. When I had a complaint, they listened. ------------ Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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