The Righteous US v. The Evil Them, Pt. 2

Could This Be the Beginning of a Trend? #16 The Righteous US v. The Evil Them, Pt. 2 7.9.20 Among my academic heroes is Dr. Will Durant, co-author of “The Lessons of History”. I used many of the things I learned from this book in my Freshman Civics classes. For me, one of his more meaningful assertions is that we all show our biases in our choice of words. As Martin Luther put it, “You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.” "Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children." - Pres. Trump at Mt. Rushmore From my perspective, the use of the word “merciless” designates bias. It could also have been “coordinated”, “persistent”, or “on-going” and been just as powerful and less reflective of bias. The words “wipe out”, “defame”, “erase”, & “indoctrinate” are also examples of such bias. It seems to me that such words are chosen in order to inflame a candidate’s supporter base; as those are the listeners most likely to take action based upon the arousal of emotions by their leader. It should also be noted here that we are still dealing with the psychological concept of projection, and… I am just as capable of word choice bias as most others, though I try to avoid it.


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