Podlodowski Rants about Sec. of State Wyman - Again

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #43 Podlodowski Rants about Sec. of State Wyman - Again 7.18.20 I suppose, when you lie about your candidate’s opponent often enough, it becomes second nature. At least that's what it seems like whenever Tina Podlodowski starts talking about Sec. of State Kim Wyman. Before I go on, it may be worth noting here that Podlodowski ran against Kim Wyman in 2016 and lost by 296,705 votes out of 3,129,303. Podlodowski got 42.26% of the vote to Wyman’s 54.74%. One can only wonder if that drubbing has anything to do with Podlodowski’s attitude in 2020? So, what’s the beef about this time? On May 20th, Podlodowski posted the following: Here is WA, we also MUST have an outside audit of the disastrous VoteWa System that failed again and again during Filing Week. How many WA Voter registrations are not being processed, or being purged, because GOP SoS Kim Wyman won't acknowledge a busted $10M expenditure that has NEVER working properly since implementation? [Note to the reader: The typos in that quote are Podlodowski’s, not mine.] When informed of Podlodowski’s VoteWA assertions, Wyman replied, “We accomplished a nearly impossible task, against insurmountable odds, in an unthinkable time frame for $9.5 million that is working really well. A comparable statewide project is over 9 years in the making, not slated to be done until 2022 and is budgeted for $145 million." Since then, I’ve learned these additional facts: •VoteWA has been used successfully statewide in five elections. •VoteWA was used to issue 15,184,250 ballots and process the 6,244, 532 ballots received in those five elections. •Over 7,000 candidates successfully filed for office in May on VoteWA. ------------ Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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