Trump Official Shares Stories of Mismanagement

Could This Be the Beginning of a Trend? #25 Yet another Trump Administration official comes forward to share stories of mismanagement. Miles Taylor - Homeland Security 2017-2019 8.19.20 Some of Taylor’s comments are: He (Trump) has “governed by whim, political calculation and self-interest” He has “tried to turn DHS, the nation’s largest law enforcement agency, into a tool used for his political benefit.” He has “insisted on a near-total focus on issues that he said were central to his reelection” He has “told us to close the California-Mexico border during a March 28, 2019, Oval Office meeting — it would be better for him politically” His “decision-making process was itself broken”: “Trump would abruptly endorse policy proposals with little or no consideration, by him or his advisers” “when then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced, at the White House’s urging, a “zero tolerance” policy to prosecute anyone who crossed the border illegally. The agencies involved were unprepared to implement the policy, causing a disastrous backlog of detentions that ultimately left migrant parents and their children separated.” “after this ill-conceived operation was rightly halted, in the following months the president repeatedly exhorted DHS officials to restart it and to implement a more deliberate policy of pulling migrant families apart en masse, so that adults would be deterred from coming to the border for fear of losing their children” “Top DHS officials were regularly diverted from dealing with genuine security threats by the chore of responding to these inappropriate and often absurd executive requests, at all hours of the day and night” “Trump showed vanishingly little interest in subjects of vital national security interest, including cybersecurity, domestic terrorism and malicious foreign interference in U.S. affairs.” You needn’t take my word for it. You can read Taylors on words in this Washington Post article:


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