Examples of Sec. of State Wyman’s Media Appearances #1

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #58 Examples of Sec. of State Wyman’s Media Appearances #1 8.21.20 Despite attacks by her Democractic opponent & the WA State Democratic Party Chairperson, claiming Sec. of State Kim Wyman has not been “championing vote by mail across the country” and is therefore “complicit” in the attacks on our voting system, Wyman has been featured over 300 times in media over the past six months alone. Here’s just one example: Time Magazine - June 17, 2020 'We’re Not Going to Know Who the President Is Until Well Into November.' These Are the Scenarios Worrying Election Officials https://time.com/5855038/coronavirus-voting-election/ Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman is worried. In her state, counting ballots typically entails election officials working shoulder to shoulder, sometimes hundreds to a room. It’s a scene that’s nearly unimaginable in the era of coronavirus. So Washington is working on safety measures, from expanding the space in processing centers to setting up plexiglass between work stations. “I’m concerned nationally that you’re going to have this crush of mail-in ballots that come in on Election Day across the country, the volume is going to swamp election officials, and they are not going to be able to physically get through the processing for days or weeks,” says Wyman, a Republican. “I think that we’re not going to know who the President is until well into November.” “You asked me what keeps me up at night,” Wyman says. “This is it.” Keep in mind that this was long before Pres. Trump and his Post Master General began a systematic assault on the Post Office’s capability to deliver high speed sorting services & maintaining convenient mail box drop off sites. ------------ Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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