Wyman Participates in Town Hall Project

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #59 Examples of Sec. of State Wyman’s Media Appearances #2 Town Hall Project Nathan Williams 6.18.20 https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=551987719021187&ref=watch_permalink 8.23.20 This series is in response to WA State Democratic Party Chairperson’s claiming Sec. of State Kim Wyman has not been “championing vote by mail across the country” . Sec. of State Kim Wyman was one of four participants answering viewer questions on an online Town Hall Meeting about the problems faced by voters and elections officials in the upcoming November 3rd General Election. Worth noting she was included because of her depth of knowledge and training in election management. Among many things, Wyman discussed: •Problems with such a rapid ramp up of capacity, the incumbent accessibility and security issues •Real problems presented by Covid-19 and a labor intensive ballot processing protocol •Need for additional resources from Congress to boost local capacity •The Left’s concerns about handicapped accessibility •The Right’s concern about fraud and the security protocols to address them •Electronic Registration Information Center’s study of 3,200,000 votes that produced only 142 suspicious ballots (Doesn’t that equal .004438%) •Processes and protocols for curing ballot errors, ie mismatched signatures •Blast furnace experience of the 130 margin of the Gregoire/Rossi election •Impact of and potential problems with processing a possible 40,000,000 presidential votes coming in during the last days before the election and immediately thereafter in states that allow ballots that are postmarked on election day but not received until later. •Maintaining the transparency needed to insure voter confidence •Data timing issues surrounding recording of deceased voters and those still on the voter rolls. ------------ Ken Mortland is a member of WEA-Retired, continuing a long career of activism in WEA/NEA. He is also a lifelong Republican and a member of Mainstream Republicans of WA Board.


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