SERIOUSLY! ARE YOU KIDDIN’ ME!! #9 ATTACK ON USPS IMPACTS UPCOMING ELECTION? Aren’t These People Supposed to Know Better? How these actions will impact the General Election is a question every voter should be asking. Are Pres. Trump and Louis DeJoy setting the scene for refusing to acknowledge a Trump defeat at the polls? -kmortland 8.25.20 Sorting Equipment Removed, Absentee Ballot Signatures Barred: Here Are All The Postal Service Changes Raising Alarm Alison Durkee Forbes Staff KEY FACTS DeJoy, a prolific GOP fundraiser and Trump donor who was appointed postmaster general in May, announced sweeping organizational changes in mid-July, which included cuts to overtime that workers say result in mail carriers not always being able to deliver or sort every piece of mail each day. •DeJoy also implemented transportation and processing changes, including mandating that drivers leave on time—resulting in mail getting left behind, rather than mail carriers waiting for it to be processed—and prohibiting extra trips to deliver mail. •DeJoy announced a major restructuring of USPS leadership affecting 23 postal executives and imposed a management hiring freeze, which was criticized as a “Friday Night Massacre” and described by the Washington Post as “centraliz[ing] power around DeJoy...and de-emphasiz[ing] decades of institutional postal knowledge.” •Letters sent to officials in 46 states indicate the Postal Service has reversed a longstanding policy that treats election mail as speedier first-class mail while charging lower marketing mail rates; the agency now “strongly” encourages state officials to pay the higher rates and warns that current state deadlines may result in ballots not getting delivered on time. •Multiple outlets report that the USPS is removing more than 600 mail sorting machines nationwide, which postal workers say may further slow down the mail; Motherboard notes the order for their removal likely predates DeJoy’s tenure, and while DeJoy has said that removals will be paused through the election, the USPS has directed workers not to reinstall equipment that had already been decommissioned. •Mail collection boxes have been removed across the country, though the USPS said it would stop the removals—which it defends as routine measures based on mail volume—through the election in response to the widespread concern the reports generated. •The Anchorage Daily News reports the U.S. Postal Service is now prohibiting on-duty employees from signing absentee ballots as witnesses in states where ballots must be authorized by a witness; USPS told Vice News the policy is not new and has been in place for multiple years, but many postal workers were reportedly previously unaware of the policy, and it is now being more strictly enforced. •CNN and the New York Times report that some post offices were being forced to reduce their hours of operation, and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WVa.) and American Postal Workers Union president Mark Dimonstein have warned of rumors that some post offices may soon be closed entirely.


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