Wyman has criticized Pres. Trump's unsubstantiated accusations

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #79 / Wyman….has “not been shy about criticizing President Trump” HeraldNet/Sept. 17, 2020 / 9.25.20 / Both candidates have not been shy about criticizing President Trump over his recent unsubstantiated accusations of potential vote rigging among those states allowing expanded use of mail-in ballots. Wyman, in particular, has contradicted the president and been a defender of the state’s mail-in system and of vote-by-mail in general; Wyman and her office were in high demand for advice among fellow U.S. election officials, advising all 50 states on vote-by-mail issues, she told The New York Times in April. Even while encouraging vote-by-mail, Wyman has urged states move forward with caution to protect election security and accuracy. / https://www.heraldnet.com/opinion/editorial-keep-wyman-as-defender-of-states-election-system/


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