Trump Suggests Carolinians Vote Twice

SERIOUSLY! ARE YOU KIDDIN’ ME!! #12 Trump Suggests Carolinians Vote Twice? Aren’t These People Supposed to Know Better? 9.3.20 Sept 3 (Reuters) — U.S. President Donald Trump suggested Wednesday that people in the state of North Carolina should vote twice in the November election, once in person and once by mail, although doing so is a crime. “Let them send it in and let them go vote,” Trump said in an interview with WECT-TV in Wilmington, North Carolina, when asked about the security of mail-in votes. “And if the system is as good as they say it is then obviously they won’t be able to vote” in person. Voting more than once in an election is illegal. (-- If the system works, they’ll also be charged with a felony! Does Trump not know this? Or does he just not care? And why would he seek to disrupt an election in North Carolina, where he stands a chance of winning?) Then, U.S. Attorney General William Barr told CNN that Trump “was trying to make the point that the ability to monitor this system is not good.” Told that voting twice is illegal, he said, “I don’t know what the law in the particular state says.” (-- So, the nation’s chief legal officer comments on a proposed action in North Carolina and then says “I don’t know what the law says! Seriously? That doesn’t sound to me like the voice of a competent lawyer.)


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