Seattle Times Recommends Both Davidson & Wyman

On Behalf of WEA’s More Conservative Members #91 / Seattle Times Recommends Both Davidson & Wyman / Seattle Times - Oct. 5, 2020 / Re-elect Incumbent Republican Treasurer Duane Davidson / Re-elect Incumbent Republican Secretary of State Kim Wyman / While it’s fine for Democrats to pursue a full sweep of Washington government, it’s better for the state to have at least some diversity in its executive offices. This will be especially valuable as the Legislature and governor — both presumably controlled by Democrats in 2021 — grapple with revenue declines and proposals to enact a variety of new taxes. / All of these changes have a bearing on the state’s credit rating and the government’s cost of borrowing. The treasurer’s outside perspective on these issues will be important, and it’s better to have one who doesn’t face party pressure to be sycophantic. /


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