They Clearly Have No Grasp of a "Secret Ballots"

SERIOUSLY! ARE YOU KIDDIN’ ME!! #23 / Foreign Operatives Attempt to Influence US Election / They Clearly Have No Grasp of “Secret Ballots” / Allegedly coming from the “Proud Boys” network, but apparently originating from an Iranian source, the perpetrators only succeed in demonstrating their lack of understanding of a “Secret Ballot”. The article makes the following statement about the message sent to voters in battle ground states: / “You will vote for Trump on Election Day or we will come after you,” warned the emails, which by Tuesday night were said to have reached voters in as many as four states, three of them hotly contested swing states in the coming presidential election. / The perpetrators may well have access to information about who’s registered to vote, but there is no way for them at determine how any individual voter voted. So, the threat to ‘come after you’ is not likely to be able to distinguish Trump voters from Biden voters. One must then infer that, for the treat to be viable, the only criteria for action would be a Trump loss in the battle ground states where this tactic was used. In the unlikely event some retribution is attempted, it is reasonable therefor to infer that both Trump and Biden voters might be targeted. Or the attacks might simply be random targets of opportunity, thereby including voters and non-voters alike.


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