This Issue Needs More Media Attention

What Is the Role of a ‘State Bank’ in the WA State Treasurer’s Race? Pt. 1 / This Issue Needs More Media Attention Than It Is Getting / 10.15.20 / Unnoticed and rarely commented upon, the Democratic Party’s efforts to create a “State Bank” and withdraw WA’s revenue deposits from commercial banks should be gaining more attention in the race for State Treasurer than it is receiving. / •Incumbent State Treasurer Duane Davidson is opposed to a state bank and that is in alignment with his party, the Republican Party. / •Challenger Mike Pellicciotti has been quoted in one newspaper as opposing a state bank, but that is not in alignment with his party, the Democratic Party. / So, there are two questions to be addressed. / 1] What is the role of a ‘state band’ in this election, and what are your thoughts on the concept. / 2] If elected, will Pellicciotti maintain his opposition; or will he bow to the wishes of his party and support it? Has Pellicciotti, a lawyer by training and experience, been selected to run for an office for which he lacks the credentials because he will acquiesce to the wishes of his party once elected?


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