Right to Vote v. Voter Suppression - How to combat online voter suppression
Constitutional Rights #2 Right to Vote v. Voter Suppression How to combat online voter suppression June 25, 2020 Yaël Eisenstat https://www.brookings.edu/techstream/how-to-combat-online-voter-suppression/utm_campaign=Brookings%20Brief&utm_medium=email&utm_content=90453885&utm_source=hs_email 7.1.20 I was skeptical about this headline, as virtually no elections are held online; but the issue turns out to be online attacks on our faith in the systems we use for voting and the accuracy of election & campaign information. It’s worth a read. ------------- “What does voter suppression look like on social media? And, in the absence of U.S. legislation on the subject, should the company set the rules to ensure that voter suppression does not occur, in any form and at any level, in the digital world? On social media, the most obvious forms include posting false information about dates, locations, and voting procedures, and those are relatively easy to combat with the pro...